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Galactic Entertainment over 2 years ago
⏰ full time🌍 remote💼 analyst
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Executive and Personal Assistant at Galactic Entertainment

About the Job

Hi! My name is Perry. I work full-time consulting blockchain/crypto/NFT start-ups. I also manage a few other side businesses.

I am looking for a full-time or part-time executive assistant who can help me with a number of tasks in my business and personal life.

The ideal candidate:

- Is fluent in English.
- Understands crypto and blockchain lingo.
- Able to conduct market research and type up documents.
- Has access to a laptop or desktop.
- Previous experience building pitch decks and tokenomics.
- Previous experience working in partnerships or outreach.

I will require assistance for the following tasks:

- Responding to emails and messages.
- Market research.
- Making lists and cold outreaching.
- Help out with various tasks unique to each project I'm involved in - including idea generation (creative), building tokenomics, and roadmaps!
- Finding potential companies to partner with.
- Other personal organizational tasks.


- Weekly compensation in cryptocurrency is preferred.
- Equity (%) of the sales for NFT projects I am involved in.
- More compensation + benefits available for the right candidate.




USD 1200/month + Equity