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Starfish GmbH & Co. KG almost 2 years ago
africa onlyemea onlyeurope onlyfull-timeproductuk only
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Time zones: SBT (UTC +11), GMT (UTC +0), CET (UTC +1), EET (UTC +2), MSK (UTC +3), AST (UTC -4), FKST (UTC -3), CEST (UTC +2), BST (UTC +1), JST (UTC +9), CST (UTC +8), WIB (UTC +7), MMT (UTC +6:30), BST (UTC +6), NPT (UTC +5:45), IST (UTC +5:30), UZT (UTC +5), IRDT (UTC +4:30), GST (UTC +4), CVT (UTC -1), WAT (UTC +1), SAST (UTC +2), EAT (UTC +3)

Your daily business:

  • You drive our products in the right direction:
    • Build, negotiate, and maintain product roadmaps
    • Convert high-level feature proposals and customer problems into workable increments on product level
    • Find the balance between new features, improvements, and fixes to ensure a sustainable velocity and a top-notch product
    • Write well-structured documentation
    • Consider financial aspects and the business value
  • You contribute to starfish’s product engineering vision:
    • Be part of x-project alignment and integration
    • Drive innovation in your product area
    • Communicate and evangelise your product vision within the starfish organisation
  • You manage the product life cycle from cradle to grave:
    • Integrate with the engineering teams along the full engineering life cycle
    • Contribute to product documentation, demos, and marketing material
    • Give feedback and synchronise with other involved roles to make sure everybody is synchronised around the product
  • You collaborate with stakeholders and build bridges:
    • Be in close synchronisation with customers, other consumers of the product, and the starfish management
    • Keep everybody synchronised and informed
    • Ensure effective communication and explain technical matters

Your expertise and skills:

  • You have 3+ years of experience in product management, in the finance, banking, or insurance industry.
  • Due to your engineering background, you are familiar with software engineering projects and able to find your way around in technical documentations/details and read code (ideally Java/Kotlin). Ideally, you have previous experience in the design of API products.
  • In contrast to product managers, we expect a sufficiently deep technology acumen.
  • Your way of working is well-structured, with in-depth quality awareness, a steady focus on the big bicture and a liking for documentation.
  • You have outstanding oral and written communication skills as well as strong analytical skills and experience in understanding new concepts quickly.
  • You are team-oriented and proactive, have a hands-on mentality and proficiency in English.

Why starfish?

  • Our values: personal responsibility, flexibility and trust
  • Our team: international, erse and with flat hierarchies
  • Our projects: inspiring, innovative and growth-oriented
  • 100% remote: work where you feel most productive and happy
  • Other benefits: permanent full-time employment contract, attractive compensation, modern IT equipment, regular social events, team coaching