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Acolad group 1 day ago
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We're inviting creators to participate in a unique challenge that showcases the power of transformation. Your mission is to take an initial image and evolve it through four significant sequential edits. Here’s how it works:

What You Need to Do:

  • Start with One Image: Choose your initial logo piece.

  • Transform it in Four Steps: Apply four gradual edits to this image. Each edit should introduce a noticeable change, leading to a completely transformed final result.

  • Showcase the Evolution: Present your work as a set of five images:

-Image 1: The original image.

-Images 2,3,4,5: Each image showing one of the four gradual edits applied in the sequence.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Resolution: Each image must be at least 1024x1024 pixels.

  • Format: Submit all five images in JPG/JPEG format.

  • AI submissions will be detected, resulting in account suspension.

  • A unique link to the submission portal will be provided to you by the team.
