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LateNiteSoft S.L. almost 2 years ago
analyticsanywhere in the worldcompetitor analysisdata analysisdigital marketingfull-timeproduct marketingsales and marketingsales managementseosocial media marketing
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What we're doing:

We develop one of the most well-known paid photography apps in the iOS App Store. Recently we changed our business model, moving the app from a one time payment to a free app that includes a subscription.

What we're looking for:

We're looking for someone who can generate acquisition and retention strategies based on analyzing the available sales and analytics data. This would include understanding the impact of having different subscription prices in different territories. Previous experience working with subscription based apps to optimize their visibility would be highly valued.

In addition to optimizing our app for its new place in the App Store, we are interested in looking into other marketing tools to help make this change a success, including (but not limited to) new social media strategies, and paid advertising.